Healthy Diet Meal Delivery in Bangalore.Serving over 100 clients daily.

Our Programs and Packages


Weight Management Programs

An educational, clinical and food catering package for weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance and for the prevention of weight relapse.

Therapeutic Program

An educational, clinical and food catering package for the nutrition therapy of medical conditions requiring special attention.

Women's Program

A comprehensive package for all women planning for pregnancy, already pregnant and wishing to gain healthy weight; and for all new mothers to reestablish their healthy weight.

Youth Program

For youngsters and adolescents to enjoy healthy, weight controlling meals at school, at home and with their friends

Intensive'ly Program

For a metabolism boost without crash diets, a healthy yet strict meal plan for people who need to increase their metabolism.

Executive Meal Program

It's the Healthy Lunch pack for busy people wishing to eat delicious yet healthy and filling meals

Organic Full Meal Program

Any of our above packages but with 100% Organic ingredients.

Meal Program

Any of our above packages but with 100% Organic ingredients.


Full Meal Package
Comprises of all your meals of the day: Breakfast and morning drink, AM snack, Lunch (appetizer and main meal), PM snack, and Dinner (salad and main meal); the best way to achieve remarkable results!

Executive Meal Package Or the Lunch Package
Constitutes of an appetizer, a main dish, a PM snack, a fruit and a bottle of water. Designed to suit Bangalore work force!

Afternoon Package
Offers the lunch and the dinner meals while omitting the breakfast. You will be receiving an appetizer with a main dish (lunch), a PM snack, and dinner.

Daylight Package
Offers you breakfast, an AM snack, appetizer with main dish (Lunch), and a PM snack.

Family Package
Enroll with your family member and enjoy special discounts.


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